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Be open. To opinions. For ways of working. For ideas.

Especially for your own.

Specialist or manager? It doesn't matter. You can stay courageous with us everywhere.

Your development is important to us! And what do you need most of all? Courage.

Because the past has shown us that people only really take off with us when they get the chance to leave their comfort zone and when we encourage them to be courageous. And the great thing is: courage is contagious! And courage is rewarded: because the positive energy is also transferred to other colleagues, which in turn will inspire you.

That's why we will support you personally and individually in planning your career - whether you want to become a team leader or an expert. Just see what is particularly close to your heart at the moment, because we offer you (almost) all options. We are and remain flexible, and the path you take is not set in stone.

We believe that your professional career is your own personal path, which can take you through a wide variety of stages that suit your preferences and skills. That's why, in addition to a management career, we also offer you an equivalent career in a specialist area. But what can it look like?

Product Lead

If you already want to implement concepts, make decisions, manage processes and be innovative at product level, your professional career starts at team leader level and can extend all the way to management. On your way to the top, you will be measured by a wide variety of criteria, such as your methodological skills, the complexity of the topics, the success of the projects you manage and the degree of responsibility or expertise you take on.

Product Lead

People Lead

Advise, mentor, implement changes and take responsibility for transparent networking and communication. Accompany talented people on their development path and your team as they continue to learn. How our managers act is firmly anchored in our corporate culture. Transparency and constructive feedback help us to keep improving together.

People Lead
„In my role as People Lead, it is fundamental to sit down intensively with each person in the team, sharpen the individual target picture and determine development opportunities. I promote strengths and am available as a sparring partner. My goal at all times is to 'tease the best out of them'. And because everyone can develop their unique skills and potential with us, I also promote diversity at bonprix.“
Tanja Hase - Head of IT Infrastructure Department

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